Step-by-step instructions | How to get 20 Gram tokens for free right now. It takes 5 minutes.
Step-by-step instructions | How to get 20 Gram tokens for free right now. It takes 5 minutes.
1. Download the Gram wallet application for Windows or Mac OS from here
2. Install the wallet on the computer. Save the 24-word seed phrase. (this is important, after reading to the end you will understand why).
3. After registering the test wallet, we connect to the bot @test_ton_bot and request replenishment of our wallet, which we copy from the newly installed application.
4. After 1–2 minutes, we get up to 20 Gram tokens.
5. We register new wallets on our other computers and Telegram accounts, whoever has them. (you can register with your grandmother, if that).
6. Repeat steps 1 to 4.
7. Transfer all the grams to your main account.
What is it for? First, we help Telegram test the network. Secondly, no one knows how the trial in the Southern District Court of New York will end. There are considerable chances of a complete ban TON. In this case, we read the biography of Pavel Durov. Something tells me that this guy never gives up.
Suppose this is what happened. TON banned forever. I do not exclude that Pavel will go all-in and announce that the test grams are now real. Or they will start walking without his announcement, appear on DEX exchanges. And now you have dozens of X’s.
Consider the second option. Pavel Durov won the trial, but probably not the first time, the whole story dragged on for a couple of years, as with Bakkt. And test Grams are gaining popularity, and now there are ready-made compiled assemblies for Android and IOS. Remember what the CEO of Tether recently said : “Whether Tether is provided with a dollar, it really doesn’t matter if everyone agrees to buy Tether and value it for $1.”
It doesn’t matter if it’s test grams or real ones, if there are people willing to buy them for money, then they will have real value.
In the end, if the events around TON develop in a positive scenario, I do not exclude the possibility that when the main network is launched, the 250M token airdrop that is rumored to be partially converted to the owners of test Grams in gratitude for the support of network testing.
When Bitcoin first appeared, it also cost little, no one believed in its future, except for the most incorrigible dreamers. For what they were later rewarded. Some pizza, some millions of dollars.
Whoever likes the idea can donate test grams to my wallet. ton://transfer/EQAWhQcMNmxFErFdYvNBjMyASbe6FG_ge2ipDpUELCpfvlLC
Now let’s calculate the maximum emission of test Grams. Telegram has only 300M active users. Half of them have no idea about crypt. Another half too lazy to install the application. Let’s say that over time, 50 million will install a wallet and half of them will get to the test bot. Total 25 million for 20 tokens. Only 500 million tokens. Yes, it’s about nothing. Over the next 3, 4 months, the price of a test gram can give 10 x.
P.S. It is also possible to install the Telegram wallet right now on a smartphone on Android or IOS from here.